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編號 | 書名 / 作者 | 出版社 | 出版年 | 索書號 | 適用等級 | 摘要 |
1 | Acute care handbook for physical therapists / Jaime C. Paz, Michele P. West / 選書:王儷穎老師 | Saunders | 2014 | WB39 P348a 2014 e-book | Basic | Familiarize yourself with the acute care environment with this essential guide to physical therapy practice in an acute care setting. Acute Care Handbook for Physical Therapists, 4th Edition helps you understand and interpret hospital protocol, safety, medical-surgical 'lingo', and the many aspects of patient are from the emergency department to the intensive care unit to the general ward. This restructured new edition streamlines the text into four parts- Introduction, Systems, Diagnoses, and Interventions to make the book even easier to use as a quick reference. Intervention algorithms, updated illustrations, and language consistent with the ICF model all help you digest new information and become familiar with new terminology. This comprehensive resource is just what you need to better manage the specific needs of your patients in the complex acute care environment. From Books In Print |
2 | Age-related macular degeneration / editors, D. Virgil Alfaro, III, Eric P. Jablon, John B. Kerrison… [et al.] / 選書:楊長豪老師 | Wolters Kluwer | 2015 | WW270 A26493 2015 | Basic | Stay up to date with the latest developments in your field with the highly-anticipated second edition of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. This comprehensive text covers recent advances in pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment including promising new developments that will affect your patient care. Dr. Virgil Alfaro and his colleagues at Retina Consultants of Charleston bring you their expertise in the areas of basic science, imaging, prevention, treatment, and more. Features: Learn from a renowned group of retina surgeons who address all aspects of management, including anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; imaging of the macula in ARMD, prevention measures and treatment; and future directions in the field. Gain a solid foundation in intravenous fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, and optical coherence tomography, as well as antiVEGE therapy and related new drugs, optimizing your diagnosis and treatment options. Understand the significant change in the classification system of choroidal neovascular membranes in ARMD. From Books In Print |
3 | Aging : oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants / edited by Victor R. Preedy / 選書:嚴崇仁老師 | Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier | 2014 | QV325 A267a 2014 e-book | Basic | Aging: Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants bridges the trans-disciplinary divide and covers in a single volume the science of oxidative stress in aging and the potentially therapeutic use of natural antioxidants in the diet or food matrix. The processes within the science of oxidative stress are described in concert with other processes, such as apoptosis, cell signaling, and receptor mediated responses. This approach recognizes that diseases are often multifactorial, and oxidative stress is a single component of this. Gerontologists, geriatricians, nutritionists, and dieticians are separated by divergent skills and professional disciplines that need to be bridged in order to advance preventative as well as treatment strategies. While gerontologists and geriatricians may study the underlying processes of aging, they are less likely to be conversant in the science of nutrition and dietetics. On the other hand, nutritionists and dietitians are less conversant with the detailed clinical background and science of gerontology. From Books In Print |
4 | Aging and health : a systems biology perspective / volume editors, Anatoliy I. Yashin, S. Michal Jazwinski / 選書:吳明賢老師 | Karger | 2015 | WT104 A266 2015 e-book | Basic | Aging is a major risk factor for chronic diseases, which in turn can provide information about the aging of a biological system. This title serves as an introduction to systems biology and its application to biological aging. It is recommended to students and professionals dealing with public health and public policy related to an aging society. From Books In Print |
5 | Autism Spectrum Disorders: Phenotypes, Mechanisms and Treatments / volume editors, Marion Leboyer, Pauline Chaste / 選書:王湉妮老師 | Karger | 2015 | WS350.8.P4 A9393 2015 e-book | Basic | Accurate and exhaustive, this book provides a wide overview of the current knowledge on phenotypes, mechanisms and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. It covers topics on diagnostic issues, comorbid conditions and therapeutic strategies along with a detailed discussion on the actual understanding of the pathophysiology of autism disorders. More specifically, this book reviews in detail the current knowledge on the comorbidity between mental and medical disorders, describes abnormal cognitive and social development and gives a thorough overview on genetic as well as brain imaging abnormalities observed in autism spectrum disorders. From Books In Print |
6 | Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease / edited by Kevin Burnand, John Black, Steven A. Corbett… [et al.] / 選書:蔡孟昆老師 | CRC Press | 2015 | WO141 B885i 2015 | Basic | Written for medical students and junior doctors, the fifth edition of this essential textbook has been fully revised and updated, including additional illustrations and photographs. The text teaches the clinical symptoms and signs of surgical disease, stressing the importance of a thorough history and bedside examination. By presenting the symptoms and signs in a formalized, systematic manner and by describing in detail the techniques of clinical examination, this text enables students to elicit key symptoms and make sound clinical decisions. From Amazon |
7 | Cell membrane nanodomains : from biochemistry to nanoscopy / edited by Alessandra Cambi, Diane S. Lidke / 選書:吳恩賜老師 | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | 2015 | QU350 C3936 2015 | Basic | Cell Membrane Nanodomains: From Biochemistry to Nanoscopy describes recent advances in our understanding of membrane organization, with a particular focus on the cutting-edge imaging techniques that are making these new discoveries possible. With contributions from pioneers in the field, the book explores areas where the application of these novel techniques reveals new concepts in biology. It assembles a collection of works where the integration of membrane biology and microscopy emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of this exciting field. Beginning with a broad description of membrane organization, including seminal work on lipid partitioning in model systems and the roles of proteins in membrane organization, the book examines how lipids and membrane compartmentalization can regulate protein function and signal transduction. It then focuses on recent advances in imaging techniques and tools that foster further advances in our understanding of signaling nanoplatforms. From Books In Print |
8 | Chest radiology : the essentials / editors, Jannette Collins, Eric J. Stern / 選書:施金元老師 | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2015 | WF975 C712c 2015 | Basic | Zero in on the most important cardiothoracic imaging knowledge with ''Chest Radiology: The Essentials'' Ideal as a quick refresher for experienced radiologists as well as an efficient learning tool for residents, this best-selling radiology reference puts indispensible information at your fingertips in a compact and practical, high-yield format. From Books In Print |
9 | Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare : a guide to best practice / Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, Ellen Fineout-Overholt / 選書:吳政翰老師 | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2015 | WY100.7 M527e 2015 | Basic | Written in a friendly, conversational style, this Third Edition of Bernadette Melnyk and Ellen Fineout-Overholt's gold standard textbook covers all the steps students need to make evidence-based practice part of their clinical decision making and everyday nursing practice. Real world examples and meaningful strategies in every chapter show students how to take a clinical issue from inquiry to a sustainable solution that drives a preferred standard of care. This edition includes new features to help students see the difference they can make by using the EBP paradigm and process, including EBP Fast Facts that highlight important points from each chapter and Making EBP Real boxes that present successful case stories in real world settings. The Third Edition also offers an expanded array of online resources, including case studies with application exercises and short audio podcasts that highlight important points. From Books In Print |
10 | Family health care nursing : theory, practice, and research / [edited by] Joanna Rowe Kaakinen, Deborah Padgett Coehlo, Rose Steele… [et al.] / 選書:蕭妃秀老師 | F.A. Davis Company | 2015 | WY159.5 F1985 2015 | Basic | Awarded first place in the 2014 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Child Health category Prepare for the real world of family nursing care Explore family nursing the way it is practiced today--with an evidence-based, clinical focus built on a firm foundation of theory and research. From health promotion to end of life, this text shows how caring for families can be planned based on current evidence of effectiveness. From Books In Print |
11 | Fundamentals of Pain Medicine: How to Diagnose and Treat Your Patients / J.D. Hoppenfeld / 選書:王永彬老師 | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2014 | WL704.6 H798f 2014 | Basic | Diagnose and treat your patients confidently with this book. The comprehensive resource addresses the concerns you face when treating your patients with acute and chronic pain. Chapters present the key pain management options available today along with expert advice and insight into overcoming diagnostic and therapeutic obstacles, including prescribing medications and avoiding opioid abuse. From Books In Print |
12 | A Guide to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: For Patients, Their Families and Interested Physicians / Barry J. Maron / 選書:王淑慧老師 | Wiley Blackwell, | 2014 | WG280 M354h 2014 | Basic | Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common genetic heart disease, but has been under-recognized and often misrepresented. However, more recently, the understanding of HCM has evolved and options for diagnosis and treatment have advanced considerably. HCM can now be regarded as a contemporary and treatable disease, compatible with normal or extended longevity. From Books In Print |
13 | Haematology in critical care : a practical handbook / edited by Jecko Thachil, Quentin A. Hill / 選書:蔡偉老師 | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | 2014 | WH39 H134 2014 e-book | Basic | This will be a practical handbook for use in a clinical ICU setting for information on diagnosis and clinical management of haematological disease in critical care. There are currently no books on the market that significantly address haematology in critical care - all ICU based books have a broader focus of diagnosis and clinical management, rather than purely haematology based. Common procedures/interventions for a haematologist will include delivering critical care, often for life-threatening disease. For unselected ICU admissions, every patient will have a full blood count and the great majority will have their coagulation profile checked. Many of these critically ill patients will have abnormalities in these tests that require interpretation. Many more will have clinical conditions such as thrombosis or bleeding and may require blood products. From Books In Print |
14 | Handbook of dialysis / editors, John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake, Todd S. Ing / 選書:吳明修老師 | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2015 | WJ39 H2355 2015 | Basic | Provides practical information on various aspects of dialysis with emphasis on day-to-day patient management. This title includes chapters that provide coverage of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, special problems in dialysis patients, and problems pertaining to various organ systems. From Books In Print |
15 | Handbook of nonprescription drugs : an interactive approach to self-care / editor-in-chief: Daniel L. Krinsky / 選書:陳燕惠老師 | American Pharmacists Association | 2015 | QV57 H236 2015 | Basic | The Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care contains the most authoritative information on nonprescription drug pharmacotherapy, nutritional supplements, medical foods, nondrug and preventive measures, and complementary therapies. The 18th edition shows students and practitioners how to assess and triage a patient's medical complaints. And it provides FDA-approved dosing information for nonprescription medications along with evidence-based research on the efficacy and safety of over-the-counter, herbal, and homeopathic medications. From Amazon |
16 | Handbook of targeted cancer therapy / editors, Daniel D. Karp, Gerald S. Falchook ; assistant editor, Johnique T. Atkins / 選書:葉坤輝老師 | Wolters Kluwer | 2015 | QZ39 H236 2015 | Basic | Make optimal use of the latest personalized therapeutic strategies with "Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy" This concise, practical oncology reference examines more than 120 targeted therapy agents for which clinical trial data are available, and explains when and how you can use them to most effectively combat cancer.Approach clinical challenges from any direction with separate sections on Targets by Organ Site, Carcinogenesis from the Perspective of Targeted Therapy, Molecular Targets and Pathways, and Targeted Therapy Agents. From Books In Print |
17 | Head and neck surgery : reconstructive surgery / series editor, Eugene N. Myers, Editor, Eric M. Genden / 選書:婁培人老師 | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2014 | WE700 H4328 2014 | Basic | Looking for the go-to guide on head and neck reconstruction? Check out the newest volume in the top-rated Master Techniques in Otolaryngology series, edited by the surgeon who performed the first human jaw transplant in the US. As a leading authority on head and neck cancers and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Eric Genden includes a range of treatments and techniques in this authoritative volume on microvascular reconstruction. Chapters are authored by leaders in the development of free tissue transfer flaps in head and neck reconstruction. From Books In Print |
18 | Healthcare informatics and analytics : emerging issues and trends / Madjid Tavana, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi, Amir Talaei-Khoei / 選書:楊鎧鍵老師 | Medical Information Science Reference | 2015 | W26.5 H4342 2015 e-book | Basic | Healthcare practices have been enhanced through the use of information technologies and analytical methods. A cross between computer science, healthcare, and information science is needed for the optimization of data resources and information systems within the healthcare industry. Healthcare Informatics and Analytics: Emerging Issues and Trends introduces the latest research concerning the innovative implementation of information technology and data analysis in the healthcare field. Highlighting current concerns and recent advances in patient care and healthcare delivery, this book is a comprehensive reference source for academics, researchers, medical students, and healthcare practitioners interested in the application of information science within the health sector. From Books In Print |
19 | Human physiology in extreme environments / Hanns-Christian Gunga / 選書:陳佳堃老師 | Academic Press | 2015 | QT140 G9759 2015 | Basic | Origin, Adaptation and Limits, Human have evolved under environmental conditions that are far from our current reality of western civilization. The ability to adapt was key in order to survive in hot or cold climates, during periods of starvation as well as under hypoxic conditions of high altitudes and high levels of physical exertion. Studying the adaptability and limits of physiological abilities broadens our knowledge about human physiology and also provides new principles for medical application, Key Features: Presents human physiological challenges in Extreme Environments combined in one single resource, Provides an excellent source of information regarding paleontological and anthropological aspects, Offers practical medical and scientific use of current concepts. From Books In Print |
20 | Intermediate epidemiology : methods that matter / Manya Magnus / 選書:季瑋珠老師 | Jones & Bartlett Learning, | 2016 | WA950 M1995 2016 | Basic | Intermediate Epidemiology: Methods That Matter provides masters-level public health students with a solid foundation in the epidemiologic methods necessary for implementing successful public health programs.This book stands apart from other intermediate texts in that it focuses on conceptual learning of basic methods without relying on extensive jargon. The book uniquely uses a self-learning approach, with exercises embedded in each page to reinforce concepts and application. The book creates a bridge from student to professional with lively descriptions of career paths for the MPH-level epidemiologist. Complete chapters on program evaluation and implementation and analysis of studies are also provided. From Books In Print |
21 | An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / David A. Mitchell, Anastasios N. Kanatas / 選書:張百恩老師 | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis | 2015 | WU600 M681i 2015 e-book | Basic | An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery encompasses the full range of oral and maxillofacial surgery. It also addresses the necessary core competencies for undergraduates and those pursuing basic specialist training. The second edition now includes international perspectives. In the UK, oral and maxillofacial surgery is a unique discipline--the ninth of ten currently recognized surgical specialties--and trainees usually start from a dental qualification before gaining a medical one. In contrast, in Germany practitioners often start from a medical base and then obtain a dental degree while in North America they start from a dental base and may or may not become dually qualified. The book's initial chapters cater to all approaches of initial training and crucially bring them together in the specialist surgical sections. In chapters where the UK, US, and German perspectives are distinctly different, a section at the end has been added offering a specific perspective. From Books In Print |
22 | Introduction to Public Health: Promises and Practice / Raymond Goldsteen, Terry Dwelle / 選書:陳雅美老師 | Springer Publishing Company, LLC | 2015 | WA100 G6244 2015 | Basic | Updated and thoroughly revised, the second edition of this foundational text covers all major topics of organisation, financing, workforce, goals, initiatives, accountability, and metrics from the perspectives of academics and officials in public health. Comprehensive and accessible, the text discusses a variety of new trends in public health, particularly regarding primary care and public health partnerships. From Books In Print |
23 | Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics / Kenneth A. Arndt, Jeffrey T.S. Hsu, Murad Alam… [et al.] / 選書:蔡呈芳老師 | Wolters Kluwer Health | 2014 | WR39 A747m 2014 | Basic | This popular Manual is a practical, accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. The book concisely but thoroughly outlines the pathophysiology, symptoms, clinical findings, assessment, and therapy of each disease and offers detailed guidelines for choosing among therapeutic options. Also included are step-by-step instructions for operative procedures and diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. Integrated formulary provides information on medications and other products used in dermatology, including pharmacology and dosage. From Books In Print |
24 | Molecular biotechnology / Carolyn A. Dehlinger / 選書:黃凱文老師 | Jones & Bartlett Learning | 2016 | W82 D3228 2016 | Basic | The only textbook of its kind on the market, Molecular Biotechnology provides a holistic, comprehensive view of molecular biotechnology that makes it ideally suited for undergraduate majors in molecular biotechnology and biomedical sciences. Beginning with the background of this rapidly expanding field, Molecular Biotechnology covers major discoveries, regulation of the biotechnology industry, and significant innovations. A strong emphasis on careers in molecular biotechnology, profiles of major projects and researchers, and expansive discussions of bioethical concerns and current research, all come together to make this text an engaging and highly relevant resource for biotechnology students. From Books In Print |
25 | Motor neuron disease in adults / edited by Mark Bromberg / 選書:鄭建興老師 | Oxford University Press | 2015 | WE550 M919 2015 | Basic | Motor Neuron Disease reviews new information from 1998 as it applies to all aspects of motor neuron disease. Articles included use evidence-based methods to ensure that the new information is solid and advances the topic. The book can be used by anyone who provides any type of care to ALS patients. From Books In Print |
26 | Nathan and Oski's hematology and oncology of infancy and childhood / [edited by] Stuart H. Orkin, David E. Fisher, David Ginsburg… [et al.] / 選書:曹永魁老師 | Elsevier Saunders | 2015 | WS300 H4872 2015 v.1-2 e-book | Basic | Written by the leading names in pediatric oncology and hematology, " Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood" offers you the essential tools you need to overcome the unique challenges and complexities of childhood cancers and hematologic disorders. Meticulously updated, this exciting full-color, two-volume set brings together the pathophysiology of disease with detailed clinical guidance to provide you with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information for diagnosing and treating children. From Books In Print |
27 | Orthodontics in clinical practice / Massimo Rossi / 選書:江俊斌老師 | Anshan | 2015 | WU400 R8346 2015 | Basic | This book provides a bridge between academic theory and clinical practice, encouraging connectivity and cooperation between the proponents of dental and surgical theory, and the orthodontic practitioners who carry out the treatments. It consists of 8 chapters, in which differing levels of treatment are described, the relationship between orthodontics and other fields of dentistry and medicine are explained, and orthognathic surgery is introduced, along with four case studies. Professor Rossi has over 30 years experience as both teacher and clinical orthodontist, with his own private practice. This book draws upon his vast experience of orthodontics, having seen and carried out the advancement of dental treatment in recent years. From Books In Print |
28 | Orthopaedic trauma : the Stanmore and Royal London guide / edited by Sebastian Dawson-Bowling ; associate editors, Stephen Key / 選書:江鴻生老師 | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | 2015 | WE168 O778 2015 | Basic | A practical guide to musculoskeletal trauma surgery, with the emphasis on techniques employed and the reasoning behind these techniques. Written with the needs of trainees in orthopaedic surgery in mind, this comprehensive book covers all aspects of trauma surgery of the upper limb, lower limb and spine, as well as featuring sections on specific topics such as polytrauma, pelvic trauma and resuscitation, enabling the reader to describe safe, evidence-based approaches and common operations. From Books In Print |
29 | Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders: A Historic and Scientific Perspective / edited by Amos Etzioni, Hans D. Ochs / 選書:顧家綺老師 | Academic Press | 2014 | WD308 P9528 2014 | Basic | Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders' provides a complete historical context that is crucial for students and researchers concerned with primary immunodeficiency. When researchers have a poor understanding of the way we arrived where we are in research, they can miss important points about a disease, or miss out on how to approach new diseases. This historical knowledge of research can assist greatly by showing how it was done in the past, demonstrating the successes and failures, so that it can be done better in the future. From Books In Print |
30 | Principles of trauma therapy : a guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment / John N. Briere, Catherine Scott / 選書:商志雍老師 | Sage | 2015 | WM172.5 B853p 2015 | Basic | Thoroughly updated with DSM-5 content throughout, Principles of Trauma Therapy, Second Edition: DSM-5 Update is both comprehensive in scope and highly practical in application. This popular text provides a creative synthesis of cognitive-behavioral, relational, affect regulation, mindfulness, and psychopharmacologic approaches to the "real world" treatment of acute and chronic posttraumatic states. Grounded in empirically-supported trauma treatment techniques and adapted to the complexities of actual clinical practice, this book is a hands-on resource for front-line clinicians, those in private practice, and graduate students of public mental health. From Books In Print |
31 | Prostate cancer : diagnosis and clinical management / edited by Ashutosh K. Tewari, Peter Whelan, John Graham / 選書:徐志宏老師 | Wiley Blackwell | 2014 | WJ762 P9459 2014 | Basic | Do you manage patients with prostate cancer? Could you use an expert guide examining all possible management options? This text provides urologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date, evidence-based guidance to the diagnosis, treatment and clinical management of a disease which accounts for a quarter of all cancers affecting men. From Books In Print |
32 | Stem cells : scientific facts and fiction / edited by Christine Mummery, Anja Van De Stolpe, Bernard A.J. Roelen, Hans Clevers / 選書:張以承老師 | Elsevier, Academic Press | 2014 | QU325 S7485 2014 e-book | Basic | The second edition of "Stem Cells: Scientific Facts and Fiction" provides the non-stem cell expert with an understandable review of the history, current state of affairs, and facts and fiction of the promises of stem cells. Building on success of its award-winning preceding edition, the second edition features new chapters on embryonic and iPS cells and stem cells in veterinary science and medicine. It contains major revisions on cancer stem cells to include new culture models, additional interviews with leaders in progenitor cells, engineered eye tissue, and xeno organs from stem cells, as well as new information on "organs on chips" and adult progenitor cells. In the past decades our understanding of stem cell biology has increased tremendously. Many types of stem cells have been discovered in tissues that everyone presumed were unable to regenerate in adults, the heart and the brain in particular. From Books In Print |
33 | Sternberg's diagnostic surgical pathology / editor, Stacey E. Mills ; associate editors, Joel K. Greenson, Jason L. Hornick, Teri A. Longacre, Victor E. Reuter / 選書:李昱儀老師 | Wolters Kluwer | 2015 | WO142 D536 2015 v.1-2 | Basic | Visually stunning and thoroughly up to date, the sixth edition of Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology continues to set the standard for differential diagnosis of the surgical specimen. Offering the latest information on all currently known diseases, this classic two-volume reference presents advanced diagnostic techniques from a virtual "who's who" of experts in the field - pathologists who provide authoritative guidance on the diagnostic evaluation of every type of specimen from every anatomic site. No matter what your level of training or experience, keeping Sternberg's near your microscope is the next best thing to a personal consultation with a trusted colleague. From Books In Print |
34 | Transgenerational epigenetics : evidence and debate / edited by Trygve Tollefsbol / 選書:顏伯勳老師 | Elsevier/Academic Press, | 2014 | QU475 T7724 2014 e-book | Basic | This book examines the evolution of epigenetic inheritance, its expression in animal and plant models, and how human diseases, such as metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases, appear to be affected by transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. It discusses clinical interventions in transgenerational epigenetic inheritance that may be on the horizon to help prevent diseases before the offspring are born, or to reduce the severity of diseases at the very earliest stages of development in utero, and current controversies in this area of study, as well as future directions for research. Focused discussion of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and longevity, which appear most affected by reversible and heritable epigenetic processesEncompasses both foundational and clinical aspects including discussions of preventative "in utero" therapiesCovers history, future outlook, disease management and current controversies. From Books In Print |
35 | Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation : the Lefaivre rainbow effect / Christine Lefaivre / 選書:王薏茜老師 | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | 2015 | WL354 L488t 2015 | Basic | This essential text demonstrates how rehabilitation professionals, including occupational therapists, doctors, nurses, social workers, speech pathologists, and neuropsychologists, can use the Lefaivre rainbow effect in their practices to improve therapeutic outcomes for their clients. From Books In Print |